Patch Notes
Visit this page for smaller updates and bugfixes that are not posted on the New Features page!
9th February
- Baby Peophin Morphing Potions will now stock in the Magic Shop!
7th February
- If a Kadoatie follows you home from the Kadoatery, it will now match the colour of the Kadoatie you fed!
- During a mini refresh, fed Kadoaties will now move to the bottom of the page.
- The Baby Kadoatie has returned to the Kadoatery!
28th January
- Name Change Tokens can now be used to swap usernames with another account.
- When sending or responding to a Neomail you'll now be able to see whether the Neomail will go through before you press send.
- Usernames are no longer case sensitive when logging in, sending Neomails, sending items to other users, etc.
13th January
- You can now plant seeds and cure/water your plots directly through the item window in your inventory.
- Around 30 new random events have been enabled!
18th December
- Trading Post lots now have a significantly longer maximum duration of 90 days, up from the previous 14-day limit. Lots will remain active as long as you log in at least once every 7 days, and any lot older than 90 days will expire automatically, regardless of activity.
18th December
- The following petpets were missing base colours. They have been added and should be stocking in their corresponding shops (based on retail, if applicable):
Farnswap, Wreathy, Tasu, Flipflap, Fuzzwald, Lumpicorn - The Petpet Puddle has been fixed for the following species. They now have their correct colours listed:
Chia Jr., Jub Jr., Kiko Jr.
13th December
- Trading Post offer events now take you directly to the offer view page.
- Lot details have been added above the Trading Post offers list.
- Neomail events now take you directly to the message rather than your inbox.
- You can now hover your cursor over event icons to see a preview.
- Drag and drop sorting and sorting presets have been added to the Gallery Ranking page.
- The Happy Valley Gift Tags, Merry Outfits and Jelly World Colouring pages have been added.
9th December
- The current Better Than You round has been temporarily paused while we investigate an issue with Rink Runner.
8th December
- The infrequent Petpet Laboratory error has been fixed!
- You can now change the language of the flash games by using the language dropdown on the sidebar.
- A new option has been added to Site Preferences to add a confirmation alert to the fishing with all pets button.
- The Pant Devil will no longer take an Inventory Token instead of a Pant Devil Attractor.
25th November
- The Coming Soon page has been added.
- You now have the option to upload your own icon when adding a new Activities Manager Quick Link.
- Dark mode visual adjustments have been made to several gallery pages and the poetry contest submission page.
12th November
- We’ve added a Neopian Pound chat to the NeoBoards!
- Answers provided by the Esophagor for Brain Tree quests are now automatically populated, so you don’t need to remember them yourself.
- Rarity 89 items will no longer trigger restock bans.
- Restock ban durations for higher rarity items have been slightly increased, though the maximum ban length introduced on 01/25/24 remains unchanged.
23rd October
- Fixed an issue where the Esophagor would display an error after reaching your daily Halloween candy limit.
- Mini Golden Tickets are no longer awarded only when purchasing petpets. Instead, any shop can award a ticket, letting you choose between a Golden Ticket or a Mini Golden Ticket.
1st October
- You can now mention users and quote messages on the NeoBoards! If you'd prefer not to receive notifications for mentions you can disable them here.
- We've added a Recent Posts page to the NeoBoards.
- The manual/drag and drop sorting option for customising your Activities Manager now remembers your preference.
- You can now talk to your petpets!
- The Activities Manager featured game icon now correctly shows the number of plays.
- Scrumptious Spice has been added to the Garbage Grinder. Chef Flotsam will definitely be interested in this!
- The Sea Shell Collector avatar unlock has been fixed.
- You can now use decimals when sorting pet categories and userlookup charms.
- Various pages have been optimized for dark mode.
- A new item has surfaced in Queen Amira's rare prize pool, and rumor has it that it has the power to tangle timelines, shifting events in unexpected ways!
22nd September
- The Neopoints page has been added.
- The 'Feed to' option will now only show pets that are not already very bloated.
- The 'Play with' option will now only show pets that are not very bloated/delighted when playing with Coltzans Bracelets.
- The 'Cure' option will now only show pets that are diseased.
- Buried Treasure no longer gives duplicate booby prizes.
- The clock now properly shows 12 at midnight and midday, instead of briefly showing 00.
18th September
- All Chocolate Petpets are now tradable!
12th September
- You can now view crosspaint pets at the Rainbow Pool!
2nd September
- The maximum amount of Neopoints that can be earned daily through the hi-score tables has been capped at 50,000 NP.
- Items with long names will no longer stretch behind the activities manager in your inventory.
- Items with long names/long descriptions will no longer stretch behind the activities manager in your shop or wishlist.
- Crosspainted pets now display properly at the Roo Island Merry Go Round and on userlookups.
- Added the "News/Research" page to the Stock Market.
- Carousel Paint Brush can now be used at the Rainbow Pool.
- Loudspeaker messages at the Virtupets Space Station have been added.
18th August
- If you're stuck on a Gourmand quest he'll now allow you to re-roll your quest for another.
- Oldest/Newest sorting in shops has been fixed.
- You can now browse through past news posts by week or month.
- You'll no longer see an error when taking a pet with a secondary colour to the Roo Island Merry Go Round.
- Fixed an error causing Kreludor to be inaccessible.
- Pyramids has been optimized for dark mode.
9th August
- The Meridell Rubbish Dump has been adjusted to shuffle items similar to the Money Tree.
- Snout Plants, Icetravaganza and Sandstravaganza Scratchcards will no longer be requested by Gourmand.
- Gourmand may award your team bonus points for buying items from certain shops, randomly when playing Ice Cream related games or randomly when feeding your pets certain items.
26th July
- Pets on a training course will no longer appear in the list of pets when starting a new course.
- The option to not receive additional Kad Sacks/Fishin' Buckets has been split into two individual settings.
- You can now see whether or not you own a TCG card while browsing the Trading Card Post.
- Drag and drop functionality has been added to the pet sorting page.
- Pets with a secondary colour are now showing correctly on user lookups.
17th July
- The Dice-A-Roo jackpot increase amount has been increased.
- Activities Manager - Shop sorting is now working as intended.
- Activities Manager - Kadoatery timer has been fixed.
- Activities Manager - Shops section scrollbar issue has been fixed for Firefox users.
- Activities Manager - Custom quick links are now showing on the Manage Quick Links page and can be hidden/re-ordered as intended.
- Activities Manager - The Wheel of Monotony icon no longer disappears before the prize is claimed.
- Activities Manager - Fishing section issue that caused pets that were ready to fish to not show has been fixed.
11th July
- Fixed an issue at the Neggery that was causing an error to be shown when trading in multiple neggs.
- Poogle Racing daily limit has been removed.
10th July
- Fishing with all pets will now fish with your highest level pets first.
- Fixed Haunted Woods and Maraqua theme unlocking (and awarded the themes to affected users).
- Dice-A-Roo has been re-worked to match retail mechanics.
- Quickref and Healing Springs should now load much faster for users with lots of pets!
- Caption Contest Archive previous round ordering has been fixed.
- Time Machine, Snow Faerie and Kitchen quests now show a quest limit reached page when the quest limit or total daily limit is reached.
- Fixed an issue with Witchy Neggs.
1st June
- We've made large optimizations to the Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy and Mystery Island Training School status pages. Users with a large number of pets should now be able to load the pages near instantaneously!
25th May
- There's now a confirmation dialogue box when zapping Petpets.
- If you've unlocked the Petpet Laboratory you can now choose to hide Petpets from the lab on the Sort Pets page!
- If your Petpet has an unwanted Petpetpet the Petpetpet Comb can now be used to remove them!
20th May
- All Morphing Potions, Transmogrification Potions and Chia Pops now show the correct unique phrases upon use.
- All Stockings and Packed Lunches can now be opened to reveal their inner contents.
- All food items that split into smaller pieces are now functional (Apple —> Bitten Apple, etc.)
- Food transformations have been enabled:
- Garlic items can randomly turn your Kiko/JubJub Garlic
- Chocolate items can randomly turn your Chia Chocolate
- Glowing Jelly can randomly turn your pet Glowing
- Search bar easter eggs have been added (try searching for asparagus)!
- Happy Negg, Christmas Tree Negg, Crystal Negg, Spiked Negg effects have been added.
18th May
- Pagination has been added to your Neomail Inbox! (50 Neomails per page)
- The "next" and "previous" buttons below a Neomail have been added.
- The subject preset dropdown has been added
- The character counter when sending a plain text Neomail has been fixed!
- The VIP dropdown for Neomail recipient has been fixed!
12th May
- You can now show your pet's birthday on their lookup by enabling the 'Show Birthdate' option here.
- Toys capable of breaking will now randomly break when played with.
- Donny has been on a training course and can now fix all the new broken toys.
- When fixing toys, there is a small chance your item will turn to sludge, rubble, or be replaced with another item entirely!
- Lunch boxes now reveal additional items when fed to your pet.
- All crackers and goodie bags that were previously unopenable can now be opened!
- Contents for all crackers and bags are now viewable using the giftbox search helper icon.
- You can now include a short message when sending an item to another user.
29th April
- Internal server error pages now include a link to report the issue, please be sure to report issues so they can be fixed promptly!
- Flash content now loads much faster!
- You can now purchase stocks using the ‘k’ shortcut.
- Newly created pets will be born content and bloated instead of depressed and starving, with the correct stats, height, and weight.
- All pets have received an increase of 12 points distributed across strength, defence, and speed. Additionally, Grundos, Krawks, and Draiks intelligence has been decreased by 1 point, and all other species have gained 9 points in intelligence. Pet height and weight values have been set.
- Pound mouseovers have been corrected. Dr. Death now only gets angry if you try to abandon a pet.
20th April
- Added pagination to Mystery Pic previous pics
- We've uploaded a modified version of Ghost Bopper that removes the num lock check altogether!
- Snow Wars can be replayed and a win count will now be displayed near the trophy similar to Mystery Pic!
- Using 'RM One' from your SDB will no longer reset your category or search query!
- When using 'RM One' in your SDB with the authenticator enabled (and it configured for use in the SDB) you'll now need to input your PIN to withdraw an item.
- We've added indication arrows and red text to highlight which sort mode you're currently using (as well as whether it's being sorted ascending or descending) when you have sorting enabled in your inventory, Safety Deposit Box, or shop!
- Made optimizations to the Cooking Pot page, it should load much faster now.
- The Faerie Quest icon in the Activities Manager has been moved to the same row as the laboratory icons!
19th April
- The Babaa Economist Charm has been adjusted to match the lowest price on the Shop Wizard.
- Shop Wizard results with a matching price will now be shown in a randomized order.
14th April
- When adjusting the sort type from your SDB or shop your current page, category (for SDB), and search query will all be remembered upon redirecting you back!
- The All Petpets page has been added!
13th April
- Retro & Soot pets should once again be show correctly on user lookups!
- Custom poses set for Soot pets should now be reflected on your user lookup.
11th April
- We've made massive optimizations to the user lookup page. All of your lookups should now be loading much speedier!
- We've removed a duplicate book of I Love Moo-cee. If you read both copies to your pet unfortunately they've lost a book, sorry about that!
2nd April
- Attention Grey Faerie Charm owners - The Grey random event is now working as intended and attaching this charm now carries the chance to trigger a random event that turns your active pet Grey. You can opt in and out of the charm's random event effects by toggling it under the 'Pet Related' heading of your Site Preferences.
- We would like to extend a warm welcome to the Tropical Foods Shop's new owner, Rufus!
29th March
- The User Preferences page has been re-organised!
- The Petpet Laboratory can no longer send your petpet to level 1 if it is already level 1.
- Having been enabled accidentally, Angel is now no longer obtainable at the Secret Laboratory.
- Users experiencing an error editing their gallery can now edit their galleries once more!
22nd March
- Fixed an infrequent issue at the Pop-up Cafe that was causing an error when only one menu item was consumed.
- You can now order your gallery categories.
- Added remove one/remove all links below gallery items for more convenient item removal.
21st March
- We've fixed a bug that was causing the Pop-up Cafe eating process to result in a 500 error. If you lost any coupons to this bug, please open a Ticket to get them refunded!
20th March
- Fixed a bug that was causing shops to show the incorrect message when empty
- We've (sadly) reverted the Neopia Central/Plaza/Bazaar maps to their non-winter forms
- Fixed a bug that was causing the "See if this item is in Stock!" box to not show on the Item Lookup page
- The Charming Mirror of Luck and Charming Mirror of Misfortune should now both be working as intended!
- Corrected the Gift Bag name in the Random Event from the Money Tree.
- Users who were unable to claim a Gift Bag at the Money Tree should now be able! If you're still having trouble, open a Ticket!
- Daily Bagatelle plays have been reset for all users.
- You can now fish with all of your pets at the same time!
- Turmaculus has been adjusted to more closely match retail.
- A confirmation alert will now appear when adding an item to your wishlist using the search helper icon.
- Bagatelle odds have been adjusted.
- All players can claim a free Deluxe Lucky Kiko Gift Bag at the Money Tree (main accounts only)!
16th March
- We've fixed the Search Helper so that the shop icon should be appearing while doing quests!
- The shop icon on the Search Helper is now resizing correctly when you cange the size of your icons.
- The shop icon on the Search Helper should now be correctly showing whether or not an item stocks in a certain shop.
- We've added the option to resize the Search Helper icons in Site Preferences!
- Added an "Add to Wishlist" button to the Search Helper.
9th March
- If you're a member of our Discord, you can now give yourself three new roles to get pinged when certain time-gated activities are available! Snowager Pings, Deadly Dice Pings, and Turmaculus Pings roles can now be applied to yourself by viewing the #🤖role-chooser channel!
- Valentine Cards and Lunar New Year packets will now stop dropping on March 16th!
3rd March
- The following r 101 Valentine Foods have changed rarities, making them gourmet!
- Broken Candy Hearts - r94
- Lovely Cake Slice - r93
- Lovely Strawberry Shake - r96
- Lovely Fudge - r91
- Lovely Cupcake - r94
- Lovely Latte - r95
- Heart Dog - r98
- Superb Strawberry Jam Sandwich - r96
15th February
- The 3rd Birthday random events have come to an end!
- We've adjusted the rate of Lunar Packet drops in the upward direction.
- The Valentine Cards will be dropping until March 9th!
12th February
- To help celebrate the Lunar New Year, Pineapple and Oranges can now be placed in your Neohome!
- Treasure Sweets can now also be placed in Neohomes!
- Fixed a bug preventing users from sending NeoFriend requests.
11th February
- Dragon Shenkuu Lunar New Year Packets can now be opened as intended!
10th February
- Bag of Seeds will no longer have a chance of RS banning when bought.
4th February
- You can now exclude pets from the Secret Laboratory on the Sort Pets page!
- Pets will no longer get cut off on the Lab page with the Activity Manager enabled.
- Fixed a bug where clicking a user's trading post lots from their user lookup would show no items.
- Auto accept price is now shown while browsing trades.
27th January
- The Search helper now functions in Faerie Quest random events as well as on the Faerie Quest page!
- The Birthday site theme will now correctly enable if it's your birthday along with the bonuses that come with it!
- Your age now correctly shows to Neofriends if you've set your date of birth.
- Retro random events should once again be functioning!
24th January
- Shopkeepers will now adjust their messages based on how many rounds of haggling you've been through.
- You can now be kicked out of a shop for haggling on an item too many times!
- Kauvara is now correctly accepting Petpets at the Toy Drive.
19th January
- We've increased the chances for low tier Morphing Potions to stock in Kauvara's Magic Shop!
- We've added a ton of low tier Morphing Potions to the restock ban exclusion list!
- Games in the Games Room are now sorted alphabetically as they were back in the day.
- Angel Morphing potions are now a reward on the Rare Drop Table from quests!
8th January
- We've made a few small changes to the Garbage Grinder shop with larger changes to the item of the day and RP values coming shortly!
- The price for the weekly item has now been lowered to 22,500 RP.
- The Plushie Morphing Potions have been removed from the prize table for the time being and have been replaced by Angel Morphing Potions!
- We've shifted some Paint Brushes around to hopefully have the more desirable (and more expensive!) ones appear more often.
7th January
- Added an option to Site Preferences to sort all trading/swapping items to the bottom of your inventory!
- We've rewritten our restocking script with insight on how Neopets originally handled it back in the day. Restocks should now very closely resemble their retail counterpart! This should fix any "missing" items. Please be sure to report any issues you encounter!
- Half price day is here! The next half price day is... today! With the next one on February 3rd.
- We've added in the special restock pricings for the Faerie Festival, Halloween, and Usukicon!
5th January
- Thank you for your patience! Bilge Dice is back online.
29th December
- The Neopian Marketplace List is here! You can see all of the top shops, 10 shops at a time along with a preview of their description!
Please Note : If you don't see a preview of your shop description you need to remove body tags from your code! Our filter removes them to prevent styling the entire page. - It is now possible to move your shop to other locations including: Mystery Island, Haunted Woods, Maraqua, and the Virtupets Space Station!
- Each of the marketplaces have been added for their respective shop locations!
- The Shop Wizard's counterparts have set up shop in their marketplaces!
- Fixed a bug where the Wheel of Knowledge wasn't awarding avatars
- Added regional weather banners to the weather page!
27th December
- Item rarities are once again displaying in The Marketplace
- You can now sort your shop items by quantity!
- The new furniture categories have been added to the Collection Log!
- Made some optimizations to the Shopkeeper Icon for the Search Helper. Pages with this should now load faster!
- Added the shopkeeper icon to the SDB.
- Viewing all items while editing your shop should now be much faster!
- You can now correctly play previous Escape from Meridell Castle Spotlight
- Retro pets can now be dipped in the Chocolate River!
16th December
- The Wheel of Knowledge has gotten a flash makeover!
- Users can now set their Date of Birth under User Preferences.
- Fixed a bug where the Rusty Lever wasn't fully resetting WoK spins.
- Fixed an issue where you'd get 'error loading script' when visitng the WoK.
6th December
- Underwater and Spooky Treasure Maps now have a chance to unlock the 'Curse of Maraqua' and 'Haunted Woods' site themes respectively upon completion!
- The Space Map can now be turned in for a reward if you manage to get all 9 pieces!
- The Space Map item images have been fixed.
- The Space Map item names have all been given a number to match other map pieces.
- All treasure maps have had their NP rewards boosted.
1st December
- Fixed a bug causing the Advent Calendar to appear closed.
- Fixed a bug that caused deletion of the user profile upon deleting your main selected gallery category.
- We've updated quite a bit on the backend of our server. Please be sure to report any bugs you run into!
18th November
- You can now create your very own wishlist!
- Warnings are now shown when feeding your pet gourmet foods, Chia Pops and Chia Slushies.
- An additional icon has been added to the search helper, leading you directly to the shop stocking the item.
13th November
- Gardening decorations that give growth and hydration bonuses are now working correctly.
- The ‘Close and View Gallery’ button has been fixed.
- Item rarities are now shown below items when stocking your shop.
- Added a ‘Remove all’ option to the Fishin’ Bucket page.
- You can now select multiple (or all) pets at the Roo Island Merry Go Round.
- Added an Alphabetical sorting option to the Stock Market portfolio page.
- The Collection Log now shows if an item is in your pet’s belongings.
7th November
- Faerieland Employment Agency will no longer show an error between finishing a job and starting a new one.
- Pyramids win streak counter has been fixed.
- Sorting options have been added to the Stock Market Portfolio page.
- You can now purchase all your daily lottery tickets with one button.
- You now have the option to share random wisdom/jokes to the Wise and Grumpy Kings.
- Candy Seed random events have been boosted!
2nd November
- We've patched a bug that caused your plant's fully grown time to increase when cured. We've updated all plants with longer than normal grow times to be in the normal range as well!
- Halloween Candies should now be falling in greater quantities across more maps including Terror Mountain, Happy Valley, the Ice Caves, Tyrannia, the Tyrannian Plateau, and the Lost Desert!
- We fixed a bug that was causing an error when interacting with your plants.
27th October
- Pyramids errors have been fixed, win counts have been corrected, and any bonus trophies owed to you will be awarded at the end of your next game. Cumulative trophies from last night have now been distributed. Thank you for your patience!
21st October
- The Trading Post links within the Search Helper should now be filling in the item name as per usual!
- The evil Darigan Citadel and its accompanying shops have been added in!
- New Kadoatie colours including Ghost, Snow, and Valentine can be seen at the Kadoatery!
- Hannibal has once again taken up residence in the Kadoatery and is asking to be fed Petpets r89 and lower!
- Caption Contest entries have had their maximum character count doubled!
- Linebreaks should now be correctly displaying for Caption Contest entries.
16th October
- Card collectors rejoice! The Collectable Card restock ban length has been reduced.
16th October
- The Petpet Laboratory will no longer decrease your petpet's level if it is already 0.
- The issue causing retired avatars to count towards the HST has been fixed.
- NeoDeck QOL! Cards now show the rarity upon hovering over images in your album. Search helper links have also been added to NeoDeck album pages.
- Stamps, NeoDeck cards and TCG cards in your collections are now marked as such at the Collection Log.
- Roo Island links are once again functional for mobile users.
5th October
- The Collection Log has been given a MASSIVE optimization and is now incredibly fast!
- Mystery Island has been refreshed on the Map of Neopia!
- You'll now get an error when attempting to add items if your Kad Sack is full.
- The Help section has been given a classic overhaul!
- Gallery Ranking should be functioning as intended.
- Pets now have their own individual HTML IDs for easier user lookup goodies!
- Pet categories have their own IDs as well.
- The 'newest' filters on the Trading Post are now showing the correct amount of items.
- Mystery Pic previous games now show the prizes from previous rounds! (And winners, once tracking began).
- You can now view the Mystery Pic page when there is no ongoing game.
1st October
- The Faerie Festival has come to a close. Queen Fyora thanks you for all of your hard work!
- The Shop Wizard has been fixed!
- Searching on the Shop Wizard should now be much speedier
- Loading user shops should now be much fast as well!
- Galleries have been given a much needed optimization! Loading them should now be MUCH speedier!
- Unearthed the old page banner for Galleries and added it back to Gallery pages!
- You can now set a main category for your Gallery.
- Each category can have 4,000 characters worth of HTML (not just limited to style tags) in order to make a hand crafted theme!
- You can set where you'd like your category links placed in your gallery, if at all!
- We've swapped around some gallery URLs to match the way they were back in the day.
- You can now set your Gallery to many different settings.
- Galleries can now be searched by worlds (a maximum of 20 galleries will show at a time)
- You can now use Quick Categorise for Gallery Items. We made some adjustments to accommodate the fact that you can have multiple categories for a single item type.
- We've fixed a bug where pet poses and sortings would reset when removing a pet from a category
27th September
- The Gallery of Evil has been added
- Neopedia Articles are now listed in search results
- Neopedia Articles are now linked on game pages
- Your username will now be highlighted when you're on a HiScore Table
- Loading your Neomail inbox should be faster
- Pets can now be correctly removed from categories
- Dice-A-Roo can now award a maximum of 15 Lottery tickets per day
- If you've already submitted 3 scores for a game today, submitting a higher score will now update your "My Scores" page with that score. Avatars and Neopoints are still only awarded on score submissions, however.
22nd September
- We've updated the way your profile is updated when doing certain activites across the site. This should make it safe to do activites during the daily reset and your dailies should reset as normal!
- The HST for Sloth's Invasion Tax has been added
- We've added a new HST 'Ice Cream Cart' for Mr. Chipper's cart! (The score is based on NP.)
- Fixed a bug where continuing a Dice-A-Roo game showed None and no image
- Fixed a link causing 500 errors on Pteri pet pages
- The Crab Shack item of the hour now updates correctly
- The Activites Manager will now show on game pages, just not when playing!
- Fixed a bug not allowing players to abandon pets.
17th September
- Added back old Neopets 404 pages!
- Retro Random Events should now be correctly awarding again
- You can now set your NeoHTML and NeoSignature, and NeoTitle on the Chat Prefs page!
- You can now enable seeing yours and other user's actiev Neopets on the Neoboards under the Chat Prefs page
- In Site Prefs, you can now disable catches going into your Fishin' Bucket (if you've unlocked it!)
- Added Backgrounds page
- Added Music page
- Added Sketches page
- Added tiled backgrounds page
- Added "other cool stuff" to game pages
- Added quality help & size help windows to game pages
14th September
- The Search function has gotten an overhaul! Species are now shown as a result, and queries will show a much more broad range of items (up to 30).
- The new Gardening additions are now in staff testing. We hope to bring them to you all very soon!
- You can now use K, M, or B at the Wishing Well in order to denote your wish amount (ex. '250k')
- The pet counts and Word of the Day have been added back to Pet Central!
- Trading Post lots have been limited to 10 items
- You can now browse the newest 50 lots at the Trading Post
- The odds of finding an Usukicon Y3 Goodie Bag from a random event have been increased!
6th September
- We've made even more optimizations to various areas of the site and will continue to make improvements where we can!
- Turning in Kitchen Quests no longer shows an error for emoji/special character pets.
- Wheel of Excitement now shows the correct phrase if the Pant Devil attacks your empty inventory.
- The Dice-a-Roo pot can no longer drop below 0.
- Flash games are now correctly saving your all time high scores as they should be.
- HTML games such as Kiss The Mortog/Tyranu Evavu are also now recording your all time high scores.
- Royal Petpet Paint Brush can now be used.
- Other/None/Non Binary pets now have a choice between both options when using a Royal, Usuki or Quigiki Paintbrush.
31st August
- We've made several optimizations to key pieces of the site's code. This should greatly reduce the amount of lag you notice while browsing!
- We'll now notify users when there's an update posted on our New Features page! (You can disable this under Site Preferences.)
- Fixed a Scorchy Slot holding issue where non-held reels would only move 1 place.
- The Fruit Machine hiscores are now active!
- We've reverted the NeoLodge checkout time message under Quick Ref to match how it was back in the day.
- Your HiScores are now shown on each game page
- Fixed a bug so that minimum scores on the HiScores now display correctly
28th August
- We've reworked the way themes work. New users will now only start with the Default and 2004 themes. All others (including those not previously on Neopets Classic) will be unlockable!
- Added the animated logo back to the home page
- Added Today's Weather page
- Added Pronunciations page
- Fyora is now stocking some interesting looking Grimoires in the Hidden Tower...
- Game pages now have colour based on their world just like back in the day!
- Shops will now show a different message when they do not stock vs. being out of stock.
- Added Neodaq to home page
- Sidebar Themes are now listed on user lookups (default and 2004 do not count)
26th August
- The 'Restart Game' button after sending a score now works correctly! (Just be sure that you're using our hosted Ruffle rather than the extension)
- We've fixed the sizing for games when played in the game window
- Meuka now correctly leaves you with lovely snot in exchange for your items.
- The Wising Well will now let you know if an item can't be wished for before you waste NP wishing for it. Misspellings or other typing errors are also covered!
- Angel Kiko can now (correctly) only be obtained through the Angel Charm.
- The Wheel of Knowledge phrase for Robot pets has been adjusted to reflect the inclusion of the One-Use Robotification Zappermajig.
- A rare issue with Illusen/Jhudora/Dice-a-Roo causing the quest/game to become unplayable has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where NeoFriends would appear as requests after being deleted.
- We've increased the maximum character count for user and pet descriptions to 15,000 characters and pet pages to 45,000 characters.
6th August
- You can now block and unblock users from their user lookup.
- The featured game now correctly displays the x2 bonus message upon submitting a score!
- Game trophy names on user lookups are now only bolded if they're 1st place.
- We've replaced the Wishing Well trophies with a beautiful new design as Trouble at the National Neopian is now a pending addition to the Games Room
4th August
- You can now adjust whether Flash games open in a new or the same window under Site Preferences.
- We've made an adjustment to the way trophies are awarded so that if a user is tied with the last user in the next trophy up that user (or users!) will also receive the next trophy up!
3rd August
- You can now select interests to display on your user lookup under My Profile!
- You can also list your pronouns (or leave blank for do not show) on your user lookup!
- You can set your User Status under your Site Preferences! If you don't want your status displayed select Do Not Display.
- Finally, we've added the Flash/HTML toggle to Site Preferences as well.
14th July
- Visiting Mystery Island with no active pet no longer throws an error.
- Garbage Grinder empty prize shop issue has been fixed.
- You can now win lottery tickets from Dice-A-Roo.
- Up/down arrows have been added back to the pet ordering input fields.
- If your pet has read a book, it will no longer show the 'Read to' option in the item window for that pet.
- If your pet has a petpet, it will no longer show the 'Give petpet to' option in the item window for that pet.
- You can now use 'k' when pricing your shop to automatically turn 1k into 1,000 etc.
- Searching using the search field on the sidebar now strips any leading/trailing spaces included in your search query.
- The pound adopt page now correctly shows other/non-binary/none genders.
- Swashbuckling Academy training is now free on pet days.
- Homemade Wish Packet can be opened again.
- The Auctions link on userlookups now takes you to the auction house user search results page.
27th June
- Gallery ranking and pet sorting will now convert any decimals into whole numbers upon saving.
- You can now sort your pets using a bunch of pre-set options including name, species, colour and fishing level.
- Collection Log checklists now show 300 results per page, heavily reducing page load times.
- Supporter trophies will no longer disappear at reset (head back to the connect discord page to refresh your supporter status if yours has disappeared!)
23rd June
- We've expanded the Lab Ray gender zaps to include Other, Non-Binary and None! We understand that for some they would like to have their pet's gender remain a constant. Keep an eye on the craft stall in the coming weeks as the vendors cycle out of their Rainbow Month stock! There might just be a new charm that'll eliminate those pesky zaps entirely!
- We've made adjustments to the Lab Ray species/colour change to exclude your pet's colour or species.
- We've also excluded your Petpet's species/colour from Petpet Laboratory zaps! (and item category if it's an item Petpet.)
- It's no longer possible to morph Retro pets to colours that aren't drawn yet.
- The "Display Retro Clock" toggle has returned and is functioning.
- A new toggle has been added to Site Prefs that adds item description tool tips on hover.
- If you've already unlocked the Kad Sack or Fishin' Bucket and don't want another we've added a toggle to Site Prefs to award you with max capacity increasing items instead!
19th June
- Added a toggle in Site Preferences to replace the auction link within the Search Helper with one for your shop!
- Your pet's species/colour are no longer included in the pool of options for Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water, Mysterious Swirly Potion, and Twisted Potion.
- Fixed a bug where when selecting a gallerykeeper and searching you'd be sent to the select a shopkeeper page.
- Your Shop and Gallery keepers can now be transparent
- We've added many keepers from retail. We'll be adding more each day until we've added them all, so if you don't see your favourite don't fret!
- The 'show all items' toggle in shop settings now works correctly. We'll be doing optimizations later to this to speed up loading times when viewing all items.
- We've added search and categories for Shop and Gallery keepers
12th June
- Brightvale Books is now clickable!
- The new book categories have been added to the Book Checklist in the Collection Log.
- Untradable items in the Collection Log now display 'No Trade' underneath.
- The following book categories are now readable to pets (and restocking!) : Faerie Book, Desert Scroll, Qasalan Tablets, Brightvale Books
- Fixed a bug where the Lottery would create another drawing resulting in listing no winners
- We've merged several duplicated books. If you had read both to your pet you've lost a book. Sorry about that :(
- We've removed new books from the Space and Battle faerie quests for the moment until enough are in the economy
- You can once again read Brightvale and Faerie Books to your pets!
10th June
- Your pets will now correctly get bored of playing Dice-A-Roo
- We've temporarily removed the over 900 new books from Water Faerie Quests
- Fixed a bug where Jhudora awarded two of a prize
- Illusen's Scroll is now readable
- Hints have been added to out of stock shops
27th May
- Your pets now have a rare chance of fishing up Transmogrification Potions!
- The Trading Post is accessible once again!
- The shop wizard will now correctly cycle through items that share the same name when searching with the 'identical to phrase' option.
- The shop wizard will now also display an item's tradable status when searching.
- We've updated the Activities Manager to include several new activities and timers! We hope you find them useful.
- Auction closing Neomails will now include the full list of bids (if there were any!)
- The Crab Shack delete button is now functioning as intended!
- The perks of the Faerie Beads are once again functioning
- Search Helper has been added to the Collection Log.
- Many Petpet avatars incorrectly had a no zap check applied to them. We've removed this check and zapped Petpets can now be used to obtain avatars!
- Several elements on user lookups have been given class names to help with HTML customization.
20th May
- You can now use K, M, and B to represent thousand, million, and billion in several input boxes across the site!
- You can once again set a maximum increment for auctions.
- You can now cancel auctions that you own as long as there are no bids and it has been live for less than 10 minutes.
- Winter Random Events have been added to the winter pages and shops!
19th April
You can now view a pet's pose set by clicking on them at the Rainbow Pool.
- Enabled PIN protection for abandoning pets
- Enabled PIN protection for transferring pets
- Enabled PIN protection for removing items from galleries
- Enabled PIN protection for removing Petpets
- Fixed bug where PIN box on the Shop Till page was not showing correctly
- Added PIN pref for Garbage Grinder coffer withdrawals
12th April
- The Inconspicuous Switch has been added back to the Petpet Lab.
- Pinatas are functional again.
- Faerie quest rewards have been adjusted to match retail.
- Shop sales history is showing in the correct order once again.
- You'll no longer see an error when pricing your shop if an item sells out before you submit.
- Glass Bottom Boat Tour page has been fixed.
30th March
- Snow Faerie & Professor quests have been fixed!
- Gallery searching is functional again.
- Additional categories have been added to the Collection Log.
- Pirate and Island training now have the chance to offer a 1 to 6 stat bonus upon course completion.
- Winter and Spooky scratchcard display issues for Firefox users have been fixed.
- Books now have a small chance of not vanishing when read.
- You can now add your side accounts to your userlookup again through the site preferences page.
- Illusen/Jhudora now correctly redirect you to the turn in page if you’re currently on a quest.
- Added “Back to Kiosk” buttons to scratchcards to make scratching multiple cards more convenient.
- Collection Log now has a gourmet food checker that can be filtered by category.
- Techo Mountain page has been fixed.
- Turmaculus error has been fixed.
- Retro pets now display correctly at the Wheel of Knowledge.
- Non-Binary now displays correctly on userlookups!
- 'Identical to my phrase' is selected by default when using search helper icons.
- Zombie/Usuki/Celebration/Stealthy Petpet Paintbrushes are now usable at the Petpet Puddle.
22nd March
- All quests now only ask for items that are guaranteed to stock in shops
- Taelia and the Professor's NP rewards have been given a slight NP boost
- Taelia and the Professor now have a chance of giving you an item off of their 'Rare Drop Table'
- Fixed an issue where items would appear on two pages of SDB/Shops when sorting
- Fixed an issue that caused a 500 error when depositing items into your SDB
20th March
- Illusen and Jhudora are no longer asking for Furniture, Cards, Gardening Decorations.
- Esophagor is now awarding Spooky and Gross foods.
- Neoboards are functional again (bbcode and smilies to follow shortly).
- You can once again view other users’ avatars from their userlookup.
- Collection log book checker tool has been fixed.
9th March
- Both Kadoatery avatars are available again.
- Mystery Island Training now follows proper level restrictions.
- Gardening unlock quest is now functional again in preparation for the gardening overhaul.
- Dailies are dropping gardening seeds again.
- Shenkuu Lunar New Year Packets and Valentines are no longer dropping, Uni Celebration bags are dropping!
- TDMBGPOP avatar has been added.
8th March
- All clickable and pet avatars are unlockable again.
- The Neggery and Tarla are functional again.
- Donny can once again repair bags of broken neopoints.
- Deluxe Kiko Pride Gift Bag prize pool has been corrected.
- Wheel of Misfortune error fixed.
- Fishing level has been added back to QuickRef.
- Acara Transmogrification Potion is now usable.
- Kadoatie trophy no longer duplicates.
1st March
- Wheel of Misfortune is re-enabled.
- SDB withdrawal of multiple items has been fixed.
- Using the daily lever now shows your remaining pulls available.
- 2 day auctions now correctly show the remaining time.
- Collection Log/Fungus Cave are clickable on the map again.
- Grooming items are usable again.
20th February
- Secret Laboratory Map unlocks now display correctly
- Petpet Laboratory Map unlocks now work correctly
- Spooky, Original, and Underwater maps have all had their prizes tweaked with a new high rarity and retired gift bag table!
13th February
- Rewrote Quick Stock to improve performance, now loading times are much quicker!
- Fixed a bug where User Shop items would show different quantities depending on which page you were on
- Fixed a bug where the Esophagor wouldn't show the prize you received
- The Esophagor has stopped awarding candies. He thanks you for all of the delicious spooky treats!
13th February
- Dice-a-Roo Hi-Scores have been fixed
- The tax beast random events have be re-enabled along with their Hi-Scores
- The toggle for Inventory Sorting now functions properly
- You're now able to once again sort your items in your user shop
- The SDB sort toggle is once again functioning.
- The Trading Post displays the age of lots (and your own!) so long as you have the toggle enabled!
- Trading Post Lots that have reached 14 days of age will now automatically be removed
- The Pronoun Pins are able to be added to your user lookup and are now spawning in the Craft Stall!