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NeoPetsClassic.Com is the greatest Virtual Pet Site on the Internet. With your help, we intend to build a community of virtual pet owners, and offer cool things such as chat, games, auctions, shops, greetings, and much, much more. Best of all, it's completely FREE!

Why You Little...!

Cheat has landed! The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards by lying, cheating, and generally being a bit “colourful” with the truth. Click here to play!
Battledome - Now in Development! We can now exitedly share that we have been working on THE BATTLEDOME for the last little while! It's a large project so it will take time to release, but make sure you're keeping up on your pet's training in the meantime!
Sign up with Neopets today! It's simple, fast and FREE!
Snowmuncher - Guide Dieter the Polarchuck to the bottom of each level!
Meerca Chase II - "Where is my Fish Negg," cried the Meerca...
Destruct-O-Match II - Boulders boulders everywhere! Get rid of them!

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and Cool Backgrounds!

Neodaq Index : 1238 (-47)
Latest News!

14th day of Awakening, Y6
10:26:39 pm NST

Valentine's Day Fun!

Dreams Do Come True!

Petpet Protection League : Week 151

Lenny Day!

Novafall Comes To a Close

View our Flash Demo!!! (Its about 500k so it may take a while to download!)
We have a Calendar!
Click here to see what's going on!

Have you got a Baby Neopet?


Neopets Classic is a fan recreation and is not affiliated with Neopets, Inc.
NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2025.

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