New Features (Our Neopets Classic Diary)
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Week Beginning : 2nd December | 25th November | 18th November | 11th November | Older News
NOTE: This page is archived and is no longer updated, so there may be broken images and links. In other words, click at your own peril!
Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy is now open to be takin' yer dubloons. Whether tis a quick lesson ye need, or ye wish to stay for a week and master yer skills, the academy is the place to train yer pets!
Summer may be over but don't fret! If you're looking to prolong that blissful summer feeling chanty has the perfect makeover for your favourite finned friend; Maraquan Flotsam is now available!!! If you've got your hands on a Maraquan Paint Brush then head on over to the Rainbow Pool to treat your pet to this playful new Maraquan makeover!!!
If you've got Neopoints to spare Bernard is now stocking books that'll grant your pet entry to the Booktastic Book Club. If you can get your pet into one of the top 17 places they might even earn a trophy for all of their smarts!
The Neopian Book Award is also now being awarded to those pets who have read the most books in Neopets Classic. Like all other trophies your pet will not lose their trophy should they fall out of the top 17, only bragging rights!
Only books purchased from the Neopian Book Shop, or if you want to trek all the way to Faerieland there is apparently a book shop there too, will count towards your pet's total. Booktastic Books do not count and vice-versa.
Uggh-Ugga-Ugg! Ugga a-ugga Tyrannian Foods Ugga-uggh!
If you've been keeping up with Neopets Classic's first plot, Tiki Tack's Tiki Trap then you'd better head over to the Kiko Lake Shorefront! There seems to be a ruckus coming from a flock of Kikos!
All shells not in your Event Pouch have been removed from the game! The event shop will remain open for a bit longer and it's just been refreshed, so if you still have shells to spend then see what the Tiki Tack man has to offer... while he's still around...
Summer isn't quite over yet! If you need to be reminded of that then chanty has you covered thanks to their amazing art for our newest pet - Maraquan Kiko!!! If you've got your hands on a Maraquan Paint Brush and are sure you clam handle your very own Kiko being this adorable then head over to the Rainbow Pool to give your pet this amazing new aquatic makeover!!!
Draik owners rejoice! It's Draik Day so it's time to celebrate with a great new selection of colours and items! If one of your pets is currently a Draik then we've got great news! Thanks to ryoukishi your Draik can now be painted Biscuit, Gold or Strawberry!!!
If you don't have a Draik or are just a casual fan then there are a selection of new plushies and books stocking now to celebrate the big day!
User Galleries are getting some upgrades! It's now possible to Rank Items in your gallery! You can use decimal and negative numbers so the ranking possibilities are virtually endless!
Items in User Galleries can now also be added to more than 1 category! Hooray! Holding control (or command for mac users) while selecting categories will allow you to select multiple! Each item can be ranked differently in each category it is in!
In smaller news...
- It's now possible to use the Shop Wizard to search through User Galleries! Results are sorted by quantity decreasing.
- When searching for an item in a shop via the Shop Wizard, the item will stay hilighted as long stock remains.
If you've been doing your part to make sure the Kadoaties staying in the Kadoatery are full up then make sure to check and see if you're on the new Kadoatery Hiscores!!! Only the top 100 feeders will be on list this so if you want to secure your spot then make sure that you're feeding as many as you can!
Today is the final day that shells will be dropping across Neopia! If you are still saving for a prize from the Event Shop don't fret as the shop will remain open for a couple of weeks to exchange any lingering shells for prizes so you can still roll up and spend those shells!
Please note that all shells not placed within your Event Pouch will be removed from your inventory, gallery, shop, etc. after September 14!